Just like any fitness program, there's a process to getting your property investments into shape and achieving peak performance. In this easy-to-read book, experienced Australian property investor and entrepreneur, Luke Harris, shares his proven strategies and mentor tips to help new and experienced investors achieve financial freedom through property.

As with any fitness program, you don't run a marathon if you've only just started jogging and you don't begin weight training by lifting 30kg dumb bells. There's a process to getting into shape and achieving peak performance. There are also multiple ways to keep fit, through a variety of sports or exercise programs.

Investing in property is the same. You need to start by learning how other people invest - including the mistakes they make. You have to find a team of experts (your 'trainers'), do some self-assessment (your fitness test) and then start to look at how you will achieve your property investing goals.

Property Fit assists you with all of this. Experienced property investor and entrepreneur, Luke Harris, takes you through the groundwork you need to cover before you start investing. Then he explores all the ways to invest in property to help you find a strategy that will lead to the ultimate goal of financial freedom.

This easy-to-read, practical book includes mentor tips and mindset insights, as well as proven strategies that seasoned investors, or those just starting out in property, will find invaluable.

A comprehensive
guide to property
investment in
Australia that
is BS free.
This book is a must
for anyone looking
to build wealth
through property.

Paul Benson, CEO and founder
Guidance Financial Advice,
author and host of
Financial Autonomy podcast

Whether you’re buying your first home or an investment property, you need to have a good appreciation of the value of time and be willing to do the work. If you can do that, then Luke’s book gives you the knowledge to execute the rest of your strategy.

Kate Campbell,
How To Money

Property Fit is
easy to understand
and clearly and
logically goes through
each step that a
property investor
must consider
before diving in.

member of The Property Mentors

Property Fit is a good companion to Let’s Get Real. It puts readers inside the experienced head of Luke, a property investor and strategist who helps Australians with a passion for property get wise about how to achieve their goals.

member of The Property Mentors

Luke Harris, Author

Luke has an extraordinary depth and breadth of personal experience across business, property and investing covering more than two decades. His entrepreneurial mindset kicked into his property career early, and with nothing more than big dreams, persistence and a can-do attitude, Luke has learned some valuable lessons and obtained some enviable results.

Today, Luke continues to grow significant wealth through his personal portfolio and for his clients at The Property Mentors, a Melbourne-based agency that helps clients develop the skills, mindset and knowledge to grow their property portfolio. Luke’s personal ‘why’ is to help members reach financial freedom through property, so they can go on to successfully fulfil their own dreams and ambitions. He is the author of Let’s Get Real (Major Street Publishing 2018). Property Fit is his second book.

The Property Mentors

As active professional property investors and mentors, we know first hand the difference the right planning and strategy can make to an investor’s long term success.

At The Property Mentors, we guide our members to a have clear and actionable plan. We then help them to find properties in areas that are in the right phase of the price cycle. We also consider how each purchase will affect the investors capacity to acquire the next, and so on.

Luke's previous book:
Let's Get Real

Learn why property is still one of the best ways to create wealth, despite recent changes — including tighter lending criteria and lower affordability. It reviews the challenges other generations have faced, as well as giving current property investors valuable perspective and practical tips on how to get ahead in the property game.

Based on decades of experience knowing what works and what doesn’t, Let’s Get Real concentrates on the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’. Once you have your mindset correctly focused, your goals set appropriately and a true understanding of the work involved, the actual nuts and bolts of property investing — while still important — are secondary.

Positive vs negative gearing

To determine whether you should be looking for negatively or positively geared property, you need to have a clear understanding of what that property is going to do for you. It all comes back to your strategy.

Established residential

Established residential property is often the ‘go to’ property investment, simply because you can touch and feel bricks and mortar. For that reason it can seem a safer and more feasible option than other strategies.

New and

New and off-the-plan residential properties tick a lot of boxes when it comes to investing for the long term. However you need to plan, do your homework, and base your decisions on sound market data and statistics.

Commercial property

In commercial property, as with all investments, it’s all about the numbers. How you buy them, how you finance them, how you lease them. But if done well, it can translate to some healthy dollar signs.

Renovating property

While renovating may seem easy, there’s a lot to consider, and you need to treat it like a business from start to finish. Be careful not to overcapitalise, and ensure that the money going into the project is going to provide a return.

Flipping property

This strategy can be great because, if you crunch the numbers and do your research, you can really turn a profit. Timing is also extremely important with this strategy, so to make a profit, you need to create a plan and stick to it.

Property development

Running projects, handling planning and building matters, doing research and due diligence, sales and marketing, and managing cashflow, takes a specific skillset. It’s not a career path that you want to learn ‘on the job’.

Short-stay accommodation

Rather than just being a side gig or hobby, learn how you can use this strategy to plan for the long-term so you can increase your servicing on loans, borrowing capacity or debt servicing to buy more property.


This easy-to-read, practical book includes mentor tips and mindset insights, as well as proven strategies that seasoned investors, or those just starting out in property, will find invaluable.